
Metrology equipment for electrically testing semiconductor devices.

Everbeing EB-6 DC Probe Station

An Everbeing EB-6 high precision probe station is available for DC wafer probing. Four low noise, high precision probes are available along with a hot chuck, microscope, and digital camera. The EB-6 was donated to CNF by Everbeing in August 2016. Four high precision Keithley Source Measurement Units (SMU) with connected PC and software are used for voltage and current measurement.

HFTL DC Probe Station, I-V/C-V, CW/Pulsed, 40Hz-110MHz, 200mm, -50-200C

This tool is configured around a Cascade Summit 12K probe station, including four Kelvin probes each mounted on a Cascade 208 or 210 probe positioner, an Agilent 4156C precision semiconductor parameter analyzer, an Agilent 4294A precision impedance analyzer, a Temptronic TPO3000 ThermoChuck system, a Kinetic Systems 1201 vibration-isolation table, and a personal computer running Keysight IC-CAP on Windows 10.

HFTL Small-Signal Probe Station, 10MHz-50GHz, 150mm, -50-200C

This tool is based on a Cascade Summit 9600 probe station on top of a Kinetic Systems 1201 vibration-isolation table. The probe station is equipped with two Cascade 103-754 x-y-z-θ probe positioners, a Mitutoyo 378-134-4 microscope (with long working distance and a built-in TV camera), and a 6"-diameter microchamber and thermal chuck (−50 to 200 °C). The thermal chuck is controlled by a Temptronic TPO3000 ThermoChuck system.

HFTL Terahertz Probe Station, 70kHz-220GHz, 200mm, -60-200C, fully automated

The tool is based on an MPI TS2000-IFE 200-mm automated probe station with micron precision. The tool includes two RF probes, a microscope, a digital camera, and a thermal chuck with temperature control between -60°C and +200 °C. The probes, the microscope, and the chuck are all automatically controlled in x, y, and z directions with optical feedback. The RF signal is provided by an Anritsu ME7838G vector network analyzer capable of a single sweep from 70 kHz to 220 GHz.

Zyvex Nanoprobes for Ultra SEM

The Zyvex S-100 Nanoprobes are installed on the Zeiss Ultra-55 SEM and operate under vacuum during imaging or with the beam blanked. The S-100 consists of four individually controlled nanoprobes which can be placed with a precision of five nanometers. The probes have a minimum tip radius of fifty nanometers for precision measurements, but larger probes are available for MEMS or other applications requiring more robust tips.