For training, please contact the manager for the High Frequency Test Lab (HFTL).
Additional Restrictions
- The user must discuss in advance the material/devices to be used in the tool with the lab manager.
This tool is configured around a Cascade Summit 12K probe station, including four Kelvin probes each mounted on a Cascade 208 or 210 probe positioner, an Agilent 4156C precision semiconductor parameter analyzer, an Agilent 4294A precision impedance analyzer, a Temptronic TPO3000 ThermoChuck system, a Kinetic Systems 1201 vibration-isolation table, and a personal computer running Keysight IC-CAP on Windows 10.
- Cascade Summit 12K Probe Station with 150-mm wafer chuck and electrically shielded and light-tight microchamber for controlled sample environment
- Temptronic TPO3000 ThermoChuck System capable of controlling the chuck temperature between −50 °C and +200 °C
- Four DC probes in Kelvin configuration
- Agilent 4156C Precision Semiconductor Parameter Analyzer, with four high-resolution SMUs (±100 V, 0.1 A), two voltage-source VSUs, (±20 V), two voltage-measurement VMUs (±20 V), two pulse generator PGUs (±40 V, 100 V/µs), one high-power SMU (±200 V, 0.5 A), and one ground GNDU
- Agilent 4294A 40Hz-110MHz Precision Impedance Analyzer with two pairs of BNC cables. One pair is for LPOT and LCUR of Kelvin connection to the low-voltage side; the other pair is for HPOT and HCUR of Kelvin connection to the high-voltage side
- Keysight IC-CAP and Metrics control software