Please submit one report per CNF user or small group of CNF users (up to three or four users). Even if a project has been completed and or a user has graduated and left Cornell, a report is still expected. Large research groups should submit multiple reports. Thank you!


A] Each technical report must be sent in two "parts":
  (1) The written report in a PDF file.
  (2) The figures as separate image files.

B] Email your report files to Ms. Melanie-Claire Mallison by the deadline. Please name the files "YourProj#YourLastName" -- i.e. 12345Mallison.pdf, 12345MallisonFig1.jpg, etc. (If you don't know your project number just ask Ms. Mallison!)

ZIP FILES ARE BLOCKED BY OUR SERVER. Please do not email zipped files. Thank you.


1) Written Report in PDF = 1000 WORDS Maximum
The written report is a concise description of the past year's technical accomplishments in up to, but no more than, 1000 words -- including reference text and captions -- and using at least the "Abstract:" "Summary of Research:" and "References:" headings. We also ask for a list of the major CNF tools you used. Please note -- just the major tools, not ALL the tools (no need to list hot plates for instance).

The word count does not include the summary report information requested below, but does include EVERYTHING else -- abstract, references, captions.

Finally, we ask for the report in PDF because then symbols, sub-script and super-script are retained.

2) Graphics in JPEG (or PNG, TIF) = Four Maximum -- Only Four!
The definition of 'graphic' includes device photos, formulas, graphs, and tables. Photos or graphs are really helpful to the description of your work, and the more interesting, the better. Please do not 'cheat' and put more than one photo / graphic in a figure. -- i.e., putting six photos together to make up "Figure 1" means that they will likely be too small to see. Please send up to FOUR (4) INDIVIDUAL photos or graphs! (Inserts in a figure are probably fine, just don't overdo it.)


3) Put your CNF project number first in all email subject lines
I.e. "YourProj# YourLastName's Technical Report" or just paste in the name of your document, 12345Mallison.pdf. (If you don't know your project number just ask Ms. Mallison!)

4) Start your report with the summary report information
Please, no abbreviations! Just take a moment and spell out Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Science Foundation, etc. Please do not combine the summary items. I.e., list email addresses separately as requested.

5) Details on text rules; 1000 words maximum, send as .pdf file

[a] Refrain from formatting. Please do not use columns. Avoid bold / styles / hypertext / indenting / tabs / etc. Keep it simple.

[b] Do not refer to the placement of a figure in your paper, i.e. "In Figure 3 below, we see..." Just say, "In Figure 3, we see..." The actual page layout Melanie-Claire uses may not allow figures to be placed where you would like them to be, however she will try to put them as close as possible to the text where they are mentioned.

[c] Send captions as TEXT at the end of the PDF document -- do not make them part of the photo. Captions should be as short as possible since they are included in your word count.

[d] When you mention a chemical or tool or process for the first time, it must be spelled out with the acronym in parenthesis. Scanning electron microscope (SEM), plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD), deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), etc. It's good, proper writing! And it ensures that anyone anywhere reading your report will know what you are talking about.

6) Details on graph/photo rules; four graphics maximum in .jpg, .png, or .tif

[a] Name the files: "YourProject#YourLastNameFig1.jpg" -- 12345MallisonFig1.jpg. Do not include captions in the jpg file -- send the captions as TEXT at the end of your report.

[b] Formulas count as graphics.

[c] Four graphics maximum. PLEASE do not put six photos in a figure and call that one graphic. By the time such an item is resized for the book, it is almost completely incomprehensible. One graphic per figure. (Process outlines and small inserts will be tolerated, but print them out at three inches wide and see if you can read them without a magnifying glass!)

[d] NEW! All figures will be included in the book as received -- greyscale or full color. BUT! When we print hard copy of the book, it will be in greyscale only. So if your graph depends on color, or your caption refers to the color of a line, the online report will be fine, but in the printed book, clarity will be lost! Perhaps adjust your graphs and figures accordingly.


Technical Reports are due Monday, July 8th

Submit One Report Per User or Small Group of Users

Use "YourProject#YourLastName.pdf" for the email subject line & report file name

1000 Words Maximum, no formatting, in .pdf

Include ALL summary report information spelled out

FOUR Graphics Maximum, in .jpg, .png, .tif

Thank You!

Ms. Melanie-Claire Mallison
CNF Publications Associate

(Copy the entire section below and paste into a Word document for your report. Save as "YourProj#YourLastName" -- thank you!)


(1) CNF Report Title (Note: your REPORT title may be different from your PROJECT title):

(2) CNF Project Number:

(3) Principal Investigator(s) (FULL name, not 'Jim'):

(4) User(s) (FULL name, not 'Sue'):

(5) Affiliation(s) (Department, University, Company, etc.):

(6) Primary Source(s) of Research Funding:

(7) PI email address(es) [DO NOT combine with (3)!]:

(8) User email address(es) [DO NOT combine with (4)!]:

(9) Research Group Website (Optional):

(10) Report Category [choose ONE of the eight categories below and delete the rest]:

  • Biological Applications
  • Chemistry
  • Electronics
  • Materials
  • Mechanical Devices
  • Optics & Opto-Electronics
  • Physics & Nanostructure Physics
  • Process & Characterization

(11) Primary CNF Tools Used:

(12) Report Word Count:

(Word count excludes the SUMMARY PROJECT INFORMATION above, but includes abstract, report, references, and captions)


Summary of Research:

Conclusions and Future Steps:


Figure Captions:

Figure 1:

Figure 2:

Figure 3:

Figure 4: