Olympus BX60/U-CFU Real Time Confocal Microscope

No formal training is required. For questions please contact the tool manager.

Additional Restrictions
  • Do not use wipes, which generate particles, on microscope stages. Place samples on microscope slides.

The Olympus BX60/U-CFU microscope employs a slit method scanning disk that blocks defocused reflected light from samples and allows only focused light to go through. It generates clear and high resolving images with 0.18-micron compatibility. A mercury lamp house is the standard light source, which provides a bright, clear image. The U-CFU has excellent Z-axis (vertical) detection. A layer in a multi-layer wafer can be observed distinguishably through this capability.

Comparison of white white images of MEMS structures
Comparison of white light images of MEMS structures versus confocal images taken on the BX60