GCA AutoStep 200 DSW i-line Wafer Stepper


Tool access requirements

1. General photolithography training, online and in-person.
2. Tool-specific training, online and in-person.

Please schedule training within a week of your first anticipated use.

1. General photolithography training

For the online part of general photolithography training, use Workday Learning:

RSRCH - CNF - General Photolithography Overview Video Training

Additionally, find required and recommended reading here:

CNF Users: Photolithography

For in-person general photolithography training, contact:

Sherri Ellis

Giovanni Sartorello

Garry Bordonaro

2. Tool training

For the online part of GCA Autostep i-line wafer stepper training, use Workday Learning.

Training part #1:

RSRCH - CNF - GCA AS200 Wafer Stepper Training Video

Training part #2:

RSRCH - CNF - Stepper Job Editing Video

Additionally, find tool-specific required and recommended reading in the "Resources" section below.

For in-person training, contact the tool manager.

Training for PROLITH lithography simulation software is also available in Workday Learning:

RSRCH - CNF - PROLITH Video Training

Additional Restrictions
  • Standard 100mm wafers ONLY unless specifically trained
  • Back of substrate must be CLEAN - NO RESIST on back
  • Mask must be CLEAN - no resist or fingerprints

The AutoStep 200 is a 5X reduction wafer exposure tool designed for up to 200mm wafers. All operations are automated, including wafer loading (100mm wafers) and aligning, and reticle loading and aligning (5"). Manual operation is also possible. Wafer leveling is used to provide optimum focus range. The focus system uses broadband light and is repeatable to <0.2µm. Overlay is specified as <0.125µm using local alignment. All tool calibrations are performed automatically, and the focus system is compensated for lens heating and barometric shifts. With N.A. of 0.45 and Sigma of 0.5, the tool is specified for 0.65µm features.

  • Automatic Wafer Handler (set for 100mm wafers)
  • 200mm Wafer Stage
  • 0.45 N.A. 5X Reduction Tropel i-line Lens
  • 15mm Exposure Field
  • Wafer Leveling (including 2" wafers and pieces)
  • Reticle Management System (up to 10 reticles)
  • INSITU Tool Setup
  • Smart Set Metrology Software
  • Interchangable Hand-held Wafer Chucks
  • uDFAS Die-by-Die Alignment
  • Annular and Quadrupole illumination available